Free Zombi Bot V8 | Bot Auto Upload Shell With 700+ Exploit!
Adm0n - Free Zombi Bot V8 | Bot Auto Upload Shell With 700+ Exploit! Hallo. disini adm0n bakal ngeshare tentang bot ini oh ya tombol downloadnya ada di bawah ya mwhehe,bot ini terbilang masih baru atau fresh karena meluncur baru 3 sampai 4 bulan kemarin. dilengkapi dengan 700+ exploit dan exploit exploit cms lainya seperti joomla, wp, pretashop dan masih banyak lagi.
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Download Bot Zombi Bot V8:
Download Zone-H Grabber:
Video Reviews On Youtube:
List Izocin/Zombi Bot:
- Google Dorker
- Bing Dorker
- Reverse ip Priv8
- Drupal RCE
- Shell Fin
- Cms detect and exp(850 Vulns)
- Private Toolbox
- Python Sql
- Priv8Detect Cms
- Cpanel detect and brute
- Sitelist ip checker
- SMTP Found
- config and smtp found attack
- Joomla Mass Shell upload Attack
- Wordpress Mass Shell upload Attack
- PrestaShop Mass Shell upload Attack
- Drupal Mass Shell upload Attack
- Vbulletin RCE Shell upload Attack
- VbSeo Mass Shell upload Attack
- Tinymce,kcfinder,ajaxfilemenager and other 30
- Private Perl Bigbang attack shell upload
- Joomla Mass Brute Force and Shell upload
- Wordpress Mass Brute Force
- Wordpress user pass shell up
- izocin shell detect and auto rooted very priv
- izocin inbox auto mail sender[Priv]
- Private perl attack
- grabber and admin panel founder
- Python2.7
- Command Prompt / Terminal / Termux
- Internet Connection
- Weblist
Download Bot Zombi Bot V8:
Download Zone-H Grabber:
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